Colin Cassin and Jenna White speak with Ian and Mitch about invasive species on the For the Reef Podcast

The Invasive Species Centre (ISC) has launched their own Don’t Let It Loose campaign!

The ‘it’ in our slogan refers to domestic pets like fishes, invertebrates, aquatic plants, reptiles, amphibians, or mammals that can become invasive when released into natural environments. This campaign has been aimed at informing pet owners of the threats their animals may pose to the natural environment if released including spreading disease, reducing biodiversity by outcompeting native species, and reducing critical habitats for species at risk.

As part of the Don’t Let It Loose campaign, ISC’s Colin Cassin and Jenna White participated in two podcasts centred on pet ownership. Animals at Home, hosted by Dillon Perron, has a wide audience of reptile owners, and For the Reef, hosted by Mitch Dender and Ian Bell, features discussions on aquarium care for hobbyists. Both podcasts attract those who are interested in owning exotic pets. The aim of ISC’s participation was to share knowledge on invasive species with pet owners. Colin and Jenna discussed the ecological and social implications of domestic animal release, for instance, the release of Goldfish, and also touched on alternatives to release. You can listen in on the action here: Animals at Home Episode and For the Reef Episode.

Colin also participated in an episode of the podcast Let’s Go Outdoors, hosted by Michael Short, which provides outdoor enthusiasts and conservationists with news and info about Alberta’s outdoors. He appeared in the episode Awareness campaign on invasive species where he and Michael discussed Invasive Species Awareness Week and the work the ISC is doing to prevent the spread of invasive species through the pet trade.

The Invasive Species Centre and its Don’t Let It Loose message have also been featured on the comedic fish tank reviewing YouTube Channel Fish for Thought in their episode GOLDFISH RESCUE! …release in ocean?.

Podcasts are a novel form of communications outreach for the ISC and a medium that allows audiences to listen to the intrinsic details of invasive species work in a relatively informal setting. By having these discussions with hosts, the ISC is also able to address questions that may be pondered by members of the public in a casual, and palatable means. It’s amazing how much can be covered in an hour and the ISC looks forward to continuing to seek opportunities to be featured in podcast work! 

If you would like to view any of these episodes, click one of the links below!

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